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Giving the Industry Guidance.

No one can tell the meat industry’s story better than someone who has actually lived it. Midan Marketing leads the conversation by bringing together unparalleled experience and deep understanding of what motivates today’s meat consumers.


Reflecting on Meat’s Role

Reflecting on Meat’s Role

Earlier this year, “The societal role of meat – what science says” was published in the Animal Frontiers journal. This paper, along with the series of secondary papers quoted throughout, is the culmination of the work done during the International Summit on the...

3 Key Messages About Pork in 2023

3 Key Messages About Pork in 2023

At Midan, we talk a lot about “sharing your story” with consumers in an effort to make animal agriculture more accessible. Those of us in animal ag must make a conscious effort to step back to understand the consumer perspective. Getting a clear understanding of what...

Three Meat Snacks That Are Making a Comeback

Three Meat Snacks That Are Making a Comeback

3D printing technology is not new to the food world – chocolatiers have been using the technology for years to create intricate shapes for their pieces. Chocolate, of course, is softened when heated and then hardens at room temperature. This makes it easy to heat...

Consumer Insights Are The Key To Retail Success

Consumer Insights Are The Key To Retail Success

Data – it’s at the heart of every business decision. Should you run the same St. Patrick’s Day corned beef promotion as last year? What meat cuts do your shoppers usually gravitate toward in the early spring? Is there a new opportunity to cross promote fresh produce...

Replace My Bone-In Ribeye? Never.

Last week you read in Steve Hixon’s blog that he and I attended the Cultured Meat Symposium last November in San Francisco. Steve shared from a very personal perspective the dichotomy he faces daily as a voracious carnivore with a family unit that includes a...

Tomorrow’s Meat Consumer: Are You Ready?

I recently had the honor of presenting at the 2018 World Meat Congress (WMC) in Dallas on June 1. Hosted by The International Meat Secretariat and the U.S. Meat Export Federation, WMC brought together more than 700 meat industry leaders from 40 countries to discuss...

Five Opportunities to Sell More Fresh Meat

At Midan, our Market Research Team is always scoping out the consumer trends that are having the biggest impact on the meat industry. A key part of our job is to help our clients understand the implications those trends can have on their business. By assigning meaning...